Sustainable Minds Lead To Sustainable Actions

Thanks to The Verdancy Group for being a Gold sponsor at the CDN Virtual College Awards 2020. In this blog, the team write about why we need green leaders…

When it comes to the environment and sustainability, the media paints an alarming picture – awash with cases of climate catastrophe and the perils of pollution. Fortunately, positive pioneers across the globe stand poised and ready for action.

From children abandoning their classrooms in protest, to swathes of the public marching the streets, many are more impassioned than ever in the fight against climate change (UN #YouthStats).

Large-scale efforts led by the likes of Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough are vital for raising awareness, but when it comes to making positive daily changes, many are unsure of which action to take. That’s where The Verdancy Group comes in…

Nurturing Sustainable Minds

The Verdancy Learning Academy is designed to increase employability, create sustainable jobs and support learners to become ambassadors for change. Through our courses, we seek to inspire students to look at their planet and the planet’s future differently, encouraging them to become green leaders in their industries.

Working in collaboration with colleges across Scotland, our courses are tailored to a wide variety of programmes – enhancing the learning experience across a range of sectors. Our learning materials are accessible via an innovative online learning platform, offering students the flexibility to study at their own pace.

Our courses aim to increase sustainability throughout society by mobilising learners to take environmental action within their homes, businesses and communities.

Why We Need Green Leaders

Without ambitions greater than separating recyclable waste, we will continue to grapple with the same climate emergencies we currently face for generations to come. Until our economy is truly circular (with new ways of tackling waste, reusing materials and benefiting the wider community), The Verdancy Group will work to inspire change and open new doors for the generations behind us.

For more information on what we do and how you can get involved, visit our website:

The Verdancy Group is thrilled to acknowledge the achievements of colleges, staff and learners across the country and is proud to sponsor the Climate Emergency Action Award and offer its support for the CDN Virtual College Awards 2020. Best of luck to all involved!

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