Purpose of Network

The purpose of the Safeguarding Network is to share practice, resources and expertise in keeping staff and students safe in college. Colleges have a duty of care to their learners whether it is children under 18, young people, adults or vulnerable adults. All staff are expected to be able to understand and manage risk and to interpret and apply relevant legislation within their context. This duty of care comes into sharp focus in relation to the legislation, policy and procedures for protecting children under 18 and vulnerable adults in particular.

Focus of the network this session

  • Policy and procedures: reviewing these in the light of widening scope of safeguarding and to ensure a consistent approach
  • Student support: looking at how best to implement and act on safeguarding referrals and reporting procedures as well as how best to support students in a hybrid working mode
  • Staff support: sharing resources and information on how best to support staff dealing with increased workload and serious safeguarding incidents
  • Training: to identify appropriate Scotland specific training for Safeguarding Leads as well as risk assessment and decision models

Who may wish to attend this network

College staff who have responsibility for safeguarding and who influence policy and operational procedures.

External partnerships

External representation is drawn from Education Scotland, Police Scotland and the Scottish Government.

CDN Contact

Gail Toms