The British Council is pleased to announce that the new round of applications for the International Skills Partnerships is now open. The In...
sparqs interview with Jim Metcalfe In this interview sparqs talk to Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive of College Development Network (CDN) lo...
At 'Open up your world with Erasmus+' event on 8 September, West Lothian College (Daniel Evans, Centre Head Commercial & Marketing and A...
A contribution that had many delegates scribbling down notes was Hints and Tips for Managing success in Erasmus+. Why, because Dugald Cra...
College Development Network (CDN) College Awards Sponsor, Emsi, helping to support you in promoting your core product to young people. Imag...
The Erasmus+ Roadshow moved on again last week and at the same time changed its mode of travel from road to rail, well at least metaphorical...
The CDN Erasmus+ Workshop has been on the road and visited Inverness, Perth, Glasgow, West Lothian, Ayrshire, New College Lanarkshire and Fo...
On Wednesday 2 August, Forth Valley College staff and students attended the latest in a line of Erasmus+ workshops offered by College De...
The seven things you need to know about Scottish Apprenticeships The ‘seven things’ published on 4 August 2017 by The Scottish Governme...
Fairtrade and NUS pilot new University and College Award scheme From September 2017, NUS and the Fairtrade Foundation are teaming to pilo...
CDN are delighted to announce that ECVET, a key partner in the Erasmus+ project, are providing free workshop on recognising your participant...
Skills Development Scotland's training and support for young females to become tech role models and mentors for school aged children are now...
Watch the Minister’s full address here: This national conference explored where and how gender equality p...
Sandy MacLean, Advisor, College Development Network (CDN) in partnership with Jisc considers the role of mindfulness in our digital world .....
2016 marked the 15 year anniversary of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). Since 2001, the SCQF has been Scotland's nat...
Browse our current selection of online training, interactive sessions and events. Our events calendar, where to book a course or event, and CDN LearnOnline for teaching resources and free online professional learning.