Uses the Professional Standards to inform practice and ongoing professional learning and development.
Reflects critically on own practice and engages in professional dialogue with others.
Continuously and actively engages with up to date research and developments in learning, teaching and assessment to inform practice.
Engages in collaborative professional enquiry to develop knowledge and practice to enhance the student experience and outcomes.
Engages with technology and digital literacies to enhance opportunities for collaborative practice and professional learning.
3.2. Effective and inclusive practice and engagement with students and partners
Purposefully builds constructive and respectful learning relationships with students and partners.
Plans, develops and uses a range of learning, teaching and assessment strategies to meet the different needs and learning preferences of students.
Applies a range of inclusive practices to promote and support engagement with students and partners.
Actively nurtures, encourages and responds to the student’s views and opinions individually and through systems of representation.
Applies a critical understanding of the nature, purposes, principles and stages of guidance.
Collaborates and works in partnership with others to ensure that all guidance, advice and support sustains learning and maintains the positive health and wellbeing and safety of all students.
3.3. Creates innovative curriculum design and learning and teaching
Designs, delivers and evaluates a demand led curriculum which prepares the students for a dynamic labour market.
Works in partnership with colleagues, students and partners including employers, to design and create innovative learning and teaching activities and environments.
Collaborates with and empowers students to co-design their learning.
Creatively engages students and motivates them to gain and continue to develop the essential skills required for learning, life and work.
Adopts creative approaches to the embedding of appropriate digital technologies for effective planning, delivery and assessment of learning.
3.4. Effective application of digital technologies to learning, life and work
Promotes and supports the safe and respectful use of digital technologies and the impact on others.
Engages with, and evaluates critically, the use of technologies and their impact on meeting student needs, and supporting learning, teaching and assessment.
Promotes and facilitates wider access to learning and teaching and assessment through the effective application of digital technologies.
3.5. Critical reflective and collaborative practice in learning and teaching
Uses critical reflection to manage self, relationships and work demands to promote personal, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Develops the skills and attributes of critical reflection and collaborative practice and uses them to enhance the quality of the learning experience.
Proactively engages in professional dialogue with colleagues and peers to share learning and innovative practice.
Facilitates and engages in the use of local and global digital learning communities to enhance opportunities for collaborative practice.