Understands student needs, the context in which they are living and studying, and the impact of these on learning.
Values the contribution students as learning partners can make individually and through systems of representation to the delivery and enhancement of the learning experience.
Develops learning relationships based on mutual respect and integrity.
Commits to equality and diversity, and promotes inclusiveness, trust and fairness. Commits to the safety and wellbeing of all students.
1.2. Leadership of learning
Promotes collaborative and collective leadership of learning.
Creates innovative learning opportunities for students through active enquiry.
Promotes, enables and empowers students to engage and achieve in learning in order to maximise their potential.
Supports and encourages students to take personal responsibility for leading their own learning.
Embraces and embeds sustainability in learning and teaching.
1.3. Continuous professional improvement
Reflects critically on, and evaluates professional values, practice and contribution to student success.
Collaborates with students, colleagues and external partners, including employers, to deliver excellence in learning.
Participates actively in continuous career long development of professional knowledge, understanding and practice.
Embraces change and emerging practices and developments.
Promotes and supports a culture of quality improvement.