Researcher Development Programme

Register your place here

Who is the Researcher Development Programme (RDP) for?

The sessions for the Researcher Development Programme are going to be following a critical thinking/design thinking framework and looking at utilising a variety of strategies, approaches and methods to support research projects. Our hope is that people who have research projects to do (connected to TQFE or otherwise), who have an idea for a research project, who are supporting/ mentoring others in their research/lines of inquiry, or who just love researching engage with the programme.

The programme is structured around five sessions, all online, each lasting 1.5 hrs (45 min workshop/seminar and 45 minute open floor discussion) that follow the structure of a research model. Additionally, we’d like to host an online symposium/conference in June where if people wanted to they could present their research to date (think of it as our version of Ted Talks!).

Dates for the 24/25 sessions (all online) are as follows:

  1. Curiosities: 28 October 16:00-17:30
  2. Research methods and modes: 25 November 16:00-17:30
  3. Making connections: 24 February 16:00-17:30
  4. Presenting your findings: 31 March 16:00-17:30
  5. Writing for CAIRN: 28 April 16:00-17:30

The structure of the sessions will be 45 minute seminar followed by 45 minute open floor discussion. We know that this may not be possible for everyone, and that things may come into our diaries, so where possible (depending on presenter’s permission) we’ve decided to record the 45 minute seminar so that this is available after the session for those who have not been able to attend, and for future reference. The resources for the RDP will be accessible through CDN LearnOnline, in the ‘Insights and Innovations’ hub. Please access this via You’ll be required to create a log in if you do not yet have one.

Links to the sessions will be sent after if you choose to sign up.

Next steps if you’d like to join the Researcher Development Programme 24-25: 

  1. We have a form for you to complete; due to the responses being logged as anonymous we require you to fill out your name and email address. Click here to complete the form. The first session in on 28 October, if you could complete this before then that’d be ideal, but if you’re seeing this after that date, don’t worry!
  2. If you have colleagues and contacts that you know would be interested in being part of RDP this year, or have colleagues that you’re working with/ mentoring through projects that would benefit from these sessions, then please do share the above link so that they too can be part of the group for this year.