Support For College Teams

To support our colleagues in the college sector, CDN is offering an online programme that has been designed to support college teams as they work through these unprecedented and challenging times. These sessions are bespoke and built around the needs of the team.

The Programme offers a safe space for college teams to come together and learn together. It invites participants to:

  • Consider personal and professional values and needs at this time
  • Clarify the purpose of work and explore what they hope to achieve (as individuals and as a team)
  • Recognise factors that challenge their ability to function
  • Identify factors that enhance their ability to function
  • Explore how the team can respond in uncertain circumstances
  • Recognise the real needs of others and how we support those needs

Participants will work with what emerges in an environment of trust, openness and honesty. Programme goals have not been predetermined. There is no doubt that much of what has been constant for many years will no longer be fit for the future and this Programme gives us the chance to pause, learn, try out new things and use our learning to shape the future. Teams will become a Human Learning System.

Please note: While there will be the opportunity to share personal information, it is not a requirement and there will be no pressure to share anything participants do not wish to share. The Programme has not been designed to support mental health conditions and any colleagues needing support should contact their GP or a qualified professional.

To find out more please email:

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