CDN is gathering examples from Scotland and beyond of the inspiring ways in which colleges innovate.

Do you have an example of work in your college you’d like to share? We’re looking for case studies, short films, images and suggestions for podcast topics of innovation which we can share online. Put a spotlight on innovative practice in lecturers work; in student led activity; in partnerships between colleges and industry and in the way you design and deliver your college offer.

  • Case study – 300 words (approx.) readers will want to know who was involved, when, why and how. Close your innovation example by thinking ‘so what’? What difference did it make or what happens next?  Do you have any images, infographics or links to help bring the case study to life?
  • Short film – don’t worry we’re not looking for Spielberg! Do you have short films (a few minutes) that capture innovative work? Maybe it’s project activity your students have been involved in, or it could showcase college facilities. Include a few sentences describing what the film is about and what is innovative about the content.
  • Podcast topic – who would you like to hear interviewed for 10-15 minutes about their role in college innovation? Is your colleague testing an approach to something new? Or are they tackling a challenge others would be interested in?

Deadline for submissions is 11 February 2019

Please send your examples to

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