Track Student Progress

It’s important to track student progress in terms of performance and wellbeing. Formative assessment can clarify understanding, identify gaps in learning and provide opportunity for feedback. Polling students at regular intervals allows for an insight into how they are feeling about the course and their progression.

With more data being collected from multiple sources, a more holistic view of student progress can be developed. The evolution of learning analytics and increasing ubiquity of dashboards that display real-time data offer more opportunity to understand and respond to student needs.

Baseline digital skills include being able to:

  • poll students to monitor progress
  • access data related to student achievement
  • record student progress and achievement digitally


You can create surveys or quizzes with Microsoft Forms; this guide from Microsoft takes you through the steps of creating and sharing a form with your students, and then viewing the results.

A summary of Learning Analytics (LA) from SoLAR, though the actual implementation will differ, depending on what data is available and how it is displayed. Still, it’s useful to understand the underlying concepts.

The concept is simple – pose a question at the end of a lesson to gain an insight to the student experience. This summary covers a range of approaches and questions, which can include using digital tools to collect responses.

A popular quizzing tool which can deliver media-rich questions (works well in groups when time is given to consider/discuss responses). It could easily be adapted to gauge overall progress with an appropriate question set.

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