The Verdancy Group – College Awards 2022 Gold Sponsors

Blog article written by CDN College Awards 2022 Gold Sponsor – The Verdancy Group

The Verdancy Group provides training, guidance and mentoring across education, business and communities. Our aim is to empower people of every age to make informed and sustainable choices in all aspects of their lives.

We believe that education is key in equipping the current and future workforce in Scotland with the green skills required to meet our 2045 targets. In response to the actions and commitments identified from the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan, The FE Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleges and National Just Transition Planning Framework we work in partnership and collaboration with recognised industry bodies and experts, to develop a portfolio of contextualised learning resources that range from short awareness raising modules to longer accredited and industry-recognised awards. The Scottish Government declared a climate emergency in 2019 and we are committed to working with all stakeholders to support and lead the skills transition required to realise the vast opportunity that Net Zero can bring to Scotland.

In the immediate short term, green skills and jobs may not be an obvious choice or appear as an option for some. For that reason, it is vitally important that we continue our work to ensure that we support education by embedding the relevant meta, employability and green skills within existing frameworks and standards, with attitudes, cultures and behaviours considered as important as the technical skills and competencies required.

We acknowledge and value the role of academic, support and pastoral staff across this transition, and are here to support with guidance, training and qualifications. We understand the importance of continual personal development and are equipped with accredited and non-accredited CPD programmes for all college staff, partners and stakeholders.

‘’Through education and consultancy, we empower those who want to drive environmental change across society’’ Susan McSeveney, Education Director at The Verdancy Group.

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