#EqualityMatters Digest

We want to help you put equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of all you do, so we have developed a monthly #EqualityMatters digest, in the form of clickable infographics. Each month has a theme that will signpost you to related events, information and resources, connecting the UN’s sustainability development goals (SDGs) and the six pillars of inclusive leadership.

The #EqualityMatters digest is designed to help you advance your understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion, so that you can continuously develop your skills as a fully inclusive practitioner, whether that be in a teaching, professional services or leadership role.

Read blog ‘Launch of #EqualityMatters Digest’ here where Dr Gail Toms, tells us more.

If you have any queries or would like to add to a future Digest please contact Dr Gail Toms via email gail.toms@cdn.ac.uk or X/Twitter

Why not get involved with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Network find out more here.

Start your equality, diversity and inclusion professional learning pathway by exploring the Equality Matters monthly digest infographics below:

Equality Matters Monthly Digest