
Supporting our college boards

The CDN National College Governace Programmme 2024-25 provides support to College Board Members. The Programme has been developed to provide a full range of continuing professional development activities from inductions for new Board Members to training and guidance in specific areas of governance.

Download the 2024-25 CDN National College Governance Programme here

This support goes all the way from encouraging people to consider becoming a board member to helping to evaluate the effectiveness of boards and undertaking research into how boards operate and how they can improve.

This page includes upcoming events and courses and the Governance Programme via LearnOnline– providing you with training courses and supporting resources which will help you fulfil your role. To gain access to the Governance LearnOnline, please contact your Board Secretary.

The Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s colleges

The Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s colleges is a core reference document for anyone involved in governance in this sector. Adherence to the Code, which has been developed by the sector and its key stakeholders through the Good Governance Steering Group, is obligatory for every board that receives money from the Scottish Funding Council.

Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges

Please feed back your support needs around governance to

Disclaimer: CDN is not a legal entity and is therefore not able to provide legal advice relating to college governance or the Code of Good Governance.

Governance Reports

These reports showcase externally facilitated effectiveness reviews of governance in Scotland's colleges

Register Now

Events and training modules

Get into Governance – Support for Joining a Board

If you are interested in joining a board, our Get into Governance programme consists of six 30-minute modules covering all aspects of what a board does and why you might want to become a board member. The first module is free to access and if you wish to access the whole course there is a fee of £100 to access the full course. View the Get into Governance Programme here.

Get ready for your first step into the world of governance and discover more about the Get into Governance programme by joining CDN and Changing the Chemistry at our free Get into Governance virtual workshop – keep an eye on our events page here for upcoming sessions.

Board Member Induction Workshops – Support for new board members

CDN’s Board Member Induction workshops are part of every college board member’s wider induction into college governance. The workshops consist of two 2-hour webinars providing the key information needed by new board members, from the Code of Good Governance to how to approach board papers and meetings.

Book your place here

New Governance Training Modules – Support for all college board members

The new suite of Governance Training modules is aimed at supporting board members in their work. These modules cover everything from financial oversight to educational approaches and are free to access for current college board members.

View the FREE Governance Training Modules here

View All Upcoming Events Here

Governance Hub

The Governance Hub on CDN LearnOnline, provides members of boards in the college sector, and their staff, with access to the key training courses and supporting resources that they need to fulfil their roles. It allows board members to access national training modules online and when they have attended national training events, to be able to remind themselves of the information and advice they received.

Discover the Governance Hub here