Purpose of Network
The EDI network represents EDI professionals and professionals with oversight of EDI matters in Scotland’s colleges. The network works closely with professionals across the sector to embed EDI in all college functions. It does so by streamlining EDI practices across Scotland’s colleges, identifying and maximising levers for change, and becoming a unified voice in the sector to drive structural change.
Focus of the network this session:
- We will meet monthly to share practice, discuss progress, and agree on next steps
- We will develop a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) action plan to guide our collective work
- We will work closely with CDN to maximise streamlining and collaborative opportunities, amplify and communicate our progress, outputs and ambitions to decision-makers in the sector
- We will carry out a baseline audit of our institutions to understand our similarities, differences, and opportunities for development.
Who may wish to attend this network:
EDI professionals and professionals with an interest in embedding EDI in their roles or institutions
CDN Lead: