Purpose of Network

The purpose of this network is to…

Create strategic alignment between Scotland’s colleges, key stakeholders and industry in order to meet the demands of both the current and future workforce, in addition to supporting with the implementation and influencing of government policy in not only sport, health and fitness but also education.

Focus of the network for this session

  • Identifying key stakeholders to shape direction of the network and the sector more broadly
  • Clarify sector concerns and identify potential solutions / engage stakeholders to support
  • Create a sector action plan to drive improvement
  • Support with the successful implementation of the College Active Campus Network
  • Sharing good practice

Who may wish to attend this network

College staff who have responsibility for

  • Curriculum planning and development
  • Partnership working

External partnerships

External representation is drawn from

  • CDN
  • Colleges Scotland
  • Active Campus Coordinator lead
  • SQA (QDT / QST)
  • Scottish Leisure Network
  • Sport Scotland
  • NGBs
  • College Sector reps
  • Scottish Student Sport



Iain Houston – City of Glasgow College

Sharon McGuire – Perth UHI

Todd Lumsden – West Lothian College

CDN Contact

Sandra-Jane Grier