New Digital Ambitions report published for the college sector

Today sees the publication of Our Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges, which was commissioned to provide evidence on the sector’s digital intentions. It has been created by the college sector, for the college sector.

The Report was developed through consultation with hundreds of practitioners across Scotland’s college sector, including CDN, Colleges Scotland and Scottish Funding Council, as well as discussion with key partners in digital industries. It follows on from last autumn’s ‘Digital Ambition Roadshow’, which toured around Scotland’s colleges to gather the views of college students and staff about what they thought the future of learning would look like.

Our Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges lays out bold and inspirational digital ambitions for the college sector, represents the sector’s aspirations, and harnesses learning from the COVID-19 pandemic towards a new era of digital practice in education. It offers practical approaches to ensure that the sector’s digital expansion is inclusive, providing equal opportunities for all learners through access to digital technology. The document is laid out in five areas: Strategy and direction; Network infrastructure, systems and data; Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Capability, and Partnership, collaboration and engagement.

Colleges are at the heart of Scotland’s social and economic revival and this report equips learners and college staff with the digital capabilities and confidence they need to succeed in everyday life, in learning, and in work.

Marc Strathie from ScotlandIS said:

‘ScotlandIS are delighted to support the Digital Ambition statement as laid out by Colleges Scotland. ScotlandIS recognises the importance the College sector has to play as part of Scotland’s ambition to become a digitally leading and digitally inclusive nation. Colleges are important vehicles of sustainable economic growth across our cities, towns and communities here in Scotland and these aims and ambitions will go a long way to help us realise our digital potential.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance and need for society as a whole to upskill and reskill. ScotlandIS firmly believe that Colleges are ideally placed to help meet these demands we will require for our future workforce. As always, ScotlandIS and our members stand ready to support our Colleges to become world leaders in digital education.’

Read Our Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges here.

Read our previous interview about the Digital Ambition project with Dr Ken Thomson OBE here.

Dr Ken Thomson OBE, Principal of Forth Valley College, was the sector lead and introduces the document:

View Digital Ambition endorsement videos below:

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