Emma Brown, Forth Valley College Student, Work Experience placement at CDN Locating and Deciding on Placement So I’m in my second year o...
One of the most striking things about being involved in CDN’s Erasmus+ project has been the enthusiasm and passion of both staff and stude...
Throughout the Erasmus+ Project we have used the analogy of a train journey which linked very nicely to the Glasgow conference in September ...
Sandy MacLean, Lead - Curriculum & Teaching, CDN, highlights key benefits of new online course - Including Students who are Deaf, Visual...
The Erasmus+ Toolkit provides colleges, college staff and students with helpful hints and tips and is now online here: www.cdn.ac.uk/networ...
Last month Erasmus+ published the 2018 deadlines, the deadline for Key Action 1 Vocational Education and Training is 1 February 2018 and f...
It was a successful evening for Scotland’s colleges at the annual Scottish Qualifications Authority Star Awards, which were hosted recentl...
September 17th 2015 was the day that the British Sign Language (BSL) (Scotland) Bill was passed as an Act in Scottish Parliament. This was a...
At 'Open up your world with Erasmus+' event on 8 September, West Lothian College (Daniel Evans, Centre Head Commercial & Marketing and A...
A contribution that had many delegates scribbling down notes was Hints and Tips for Managing success in Erasmus+. Why, because Dugald Cra...